The other store known in the industry is called zhenduo blaster. You can sell both realistic yellow trucks, foam blowers, etc. They have many years of experience in this yellow truck market. There are a variety of products made and manufactured to complement yellow trucks that feed on ordinary gel ball ammunition. If you are in the UK, to purchase a monochrome replica weapon that resembles a real weapon called a Replica Imitation Weapon (RIF), you must be over 18 years of age and meet one of the criteria listed above that are eligible for an exemption from the Violent Crime Reduction Act (CRV) 2006. For most airsoft players, the easiest way to qualify for an exemption and legally purchase a monochrome replica of a firearm is to register. From 3. In July 2021, the Western Australian government banned yellow trucks, citing similarities to real weapons and legitimate safety concerns. [28] After July 3, 2021, anyone found in Western Australia with a yellow truck faces a prison sentence and a fine of up to $36,000. [29] One of the events triggering the ban was the 4-hour siege of a pharmacy in Applecross, a suburb of Perth, where the man was armed with a gel blaster in the center of the headquarters. [30] Following the formal ban on yellow trucks in Western Australia, Queensland remains the last state where yellow trucks are legal in Australia.
[31] The Violent Crime Reduction Act (VCRA) of 2006 introduced significant changes in the way airsoft weapons are treated under UK law. Originally, this would have seriously changed the way we treat airsoft weapons, perhaps to the extent that their widespread use has ended, as the law has made it a criminal offence to supply a realistic imitation weapon (RIF). In its original form, this law essentially meant that the sale of airsoft weapons became illegal. However, UKAPU, the Union of Airsoft Players in the UK, and UKARA, a non-profit organisation dedicated to airsoft weapons, campaigned for an exemption for AIRSOFT in the Act, which were described in detail in The Commencement 3, Regulations 2007, whose Ordinances 31 to 40 relate specifically to airsoft weapons. There are common questions and misconceptions regarding the safe and legal purchase and use of airsoft equipment in the UK. Let`s cover some of them. There aren`t many shops that sell yellow trucks in the UK. But both of these companies are really trustworthy.
However, in late 2016, bottom-mounted chargers with built-in motors were introduced that draw energy from the main batteries (via contact points at the top) to power a gear that was gently pushing the beads into a feeding tube. This gave much more realism than before and triggered a huge surge in the popularity and market of yellow trucks. The recent spread of stronger gel beads on the market has also introduced magazines that use the traditional spring pendant. For the British customer, biu blaster can currently only ship British lager blasters from the British warehouse to Britain. Other parts and accessories are shipped by CHina. Yellow trucks are often played in CQB-type shooting skirmishes, similar to the paintball of local teams or clubs by enthusiasts, often referred to as «gelballers», but follow an airsoft-style honor-based game refereeing system. MilSim games where players wear camouflage bags and rocking bags are very popular, while «SpeedGel» players with team jerseys are more casual and often wear paintball masks. In addition to safety equipment such as eye protection, the sport on the field is highly regulated and players must comply with safety rules. As with many aspects of life, the actions of a few people can give a bad reputation to something that is fun and enjoyable for the vast majority of people. Participating in airsoft skirmishes in a controlled environment where you have permission to play is no problem. Airsoft is both a community and a sport, so mutual support through responsible action ensures that everyone can enjoy the sport.
Assuming you buy airsoft weapons legally and play responsibly, there is no reason to expect problems or contact with the police. Although children are not legally allowed to buy an airsoft gun, it is legal for anyone over the age of 18 to buy and donate a two-tone gun. So, if you are a parent, it is perfectly legal to buy a two-tone airsoft gun and give it to your child. It is strongly recommended to ensure that children participate in airsoft in a controlled and supervised environment and receive important safety policies before handling a weapon. Airsoft can be a sport for people of different ages. Children can participate as long as they understand the rules that come with the sport. A person of any age can experience the physical benefits of playing airsoft, and creating new social connections can be beneficial for everyone. Safety concerns have been raised that children use yellow trucks.
Between December 2018 and May 2019, eight children (aged four to 14) were presented to the emergency department of the Queensland Children`s Hospital with eye injuries caused by gel blaster guns. [4] In 2019, a 14-year-old boy presented to hospital with vision loss, pain and vomiting after being hit in the eye by a gel pellet 10 meters away. [5] The 8. In October 2020, the South Australian Police (SAPOL) announced that yellow trucks would be officially declared imitation of a regulated weapon and would be subject to the same sales and possession licence as paintball markers under the Firearms Act 2015 and the Firearms Regulations 2017.