Run of Definition

: not exceptional in quality or rarity: average, ordinary The decision not to publish cartoons is motivated only by fear: either fear of insult or fear of reprisals. : Operation on the river without change thanks to upstream storage Add the execution of something to one of your lists below or create a new one. The edges of one end are abraded as shown in the sketch, so that a wedge fits into the barrel. And since they weren`t trying to run away, they didn`t mind staying together for two or three days. : the freedom to go anywhere or do whatever you want, in one place) Speculation raged that Duke had agreed not to show up as part of the deal, though this was never proven. She wanted to run, and yet an unconscious idea held her back. There are several meanings to run. If you`re planning your escape from the Tower of London, you can “run for it,” and if you`re a baseball player, you`re a hero if you hit a home run. When your play opens on Broadway, hope it gets many performances — “a long one” — and if you`re lucky, the New York Times will publish an enthusiastic review. : being placed somewhere in a newspaper of the publisher`s choice While Huckabee was mulling his presidential candidacy, I thought it was time to think about Huckabee. When you run, you move fast and long when you run a marathon. You can also start a campaign or business – you make them work.

Duke was a state legislator whose neo-Nazi alliances were exposed in the media during his 1991 gubernatorial bid. Find a nice place not far from town – say on Long Island – and I can go out if needed. With standard methods, the cost of DNA printing could be more than a billion dollars or more, depending on the strand. (Kirkwood grimaces) The calendar should have a race for its money!.



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